March 16, 2010


Do you ever have one of those days (or weeks) where everything you try to make comes out wrong? That's where I'm at. I have all of these ideas and projects lined up and when I get a minute to try to put something together I tend to rush and not plan out all of the not so fun stuff and then I'm not happy with my finished result. Take the drum shirt.
I like the applique but the fabric I picked is too big of a print. I don't like those dots at all. And I wish the drum set itself was bigger but that's the 5x7 hoop for ya. I think I would like this design better on a burp/bib set. Next take the abosolutely most adorable swimsuit I have ever seen that I got for my best friend's B.
I like the design of the embroidery fine but it puckers.
I used stabilizer, but apparently not the right one. And today. I decided to finally put together all of the acrylic blanks and kiwi paper I ordered a couple of months ago.
Definately didn't think this one all the way through.
The name on the cup is WAY too big. I like the name on the snack cup fine. I did one more for the soap dispenser and I had to shrink my font down too small and it stitched out awful and started to tear up. This wouldn't be such a problem except I didn't know that each sheet of kiwi paper makes about 1 project. And just so you are aware if you haven't made one of the snack holder thingys before, kiwi paper is the size of regular paper and the longest length accross is not long enough for the snack container, so you have to stick in another little piece to make up the difference. And kiwi paper is sort of hard to find. And the websites that I have found that carry it are out of all of the really cute designs. So you have to add $1.85 or so to each project plus the shipping, plus no guarantee you will find the design you need. So I'm not so sure if this makes such an easy to sew for sale craft like I thought. The idea that I might not be able to find what I need gives me some anxiety. Do any of you ever sew with kiwi paper? What are some tips?

March 2, 2010

Howdy Ya'll!

I am happy to say that I found a new craft that I wasn't scared of, and I tried it! I read the tutorial for freezer paper stenciling at MADE (see sidebar) and it seemed easy and exciting. My first idea for a shirt was a little more elaborate so I chose a simpler idea and I think it turned out so cute and funny. I have wanted to try screen printing for a while, but it has so many steps and parts that could go wrong and I'm just a weenie. But freezer paper stenciling is practically fool-proof, so I'm golden!
This was the only way I could get a front picture of Sully wearing the shirt!

So if you have any desire to freezer paper stencil something (or a lot of things) you should go over to the MADE blog and look at her tutorial. Plus I totally fell in love with her blog because she dedicated the whole month of February to boy only crafts (swoon).