June 30, 2010

Burps and Other Baby Thing-a-majigs

Here are some of my latest things.
The "lil sis" applique is from planet applique and the name under is Strawberry font from 8 claws and a paw.
The bib is Kayleigh font.

This little dino guy is from Lynnie Pinnie and the font is Felt.

I love this giraffe but I got it a long time ago in a set of zoo animals and I'm not sure where it came from and the crown was a freebie somewhere. The font on the giraffe is Sharpie and on the crown is Tinker Toy.

This set is the Taylor font from Lynnie Pinnie.

June 2, 2010

I love 1st Birthdays!!!!!

By far my best selling item is and has always been birthday dresses. My standard dresses are hot pink/lime and light pink/lime but every now and then I get a request for a custom dress to match a party theme. I love doing those to switch it up. So last week I got a request to make my hot pink cupcake dress to match the birthday express cupcake themed 1st birthday decorations. I think it turned out so cute! *pats self on back* So now I want to try to match more of the popular party themes with my dresses and some shirts. I'm thinking pink poodle/Paris party next. Planet Applique has some perfect designs for that.