June 30, 2010

Burps and Other Baby Thing-a-majigs

Here are some of my latest things.
The "lil sis" applique is from planet applique and the name under is Strawberry font from 8 claws and a paw.
The bib is Kayleigh font.

This little dino guy is from Lynnie Pinnie and the font is Felt.

I love this giraffe but I got it a long time ago in a set of zoo animals and I'm not sure where it came from and the crown was a freebie somewhere. The font on the giraffe is Sharpie and on the crown is Tinker Toy.

This set is the Taylor font from Lynnie Pinnie.

June 2, 2010

I love 1st Birthdays!!!!!

By far my best selling item is and has always been birthday dresses. My standard dresses are hot pink/lime and light pink/lime but every now and then I get a request for a custom dress to match a party theme. I love doing those to switch it up. So last week I got a request to make my hot pink cupcake dress to match the birthday express cupcake themed 1st birthday decorations. I think it turned out so cute! *pats self on back* So now I want to try to match more of the popular party themes with my dresses and some shirts. I'm thinking pink poodle/Paris party next. Planet Applique has some perfect designs for that.

May 28, 2010


here's what I've been doing: set up a new facebook page for Sew Stinkin Cute and got my etsy page back up and running. Both things get a big YAY! Here is a pic of one of the little dresses I sell in my etsy store. The design came from Lynnie Pinnie. And I was so lucky to get the cutest little sisters to model some of my stuff last year. I'm hoping they will do it for me again once I get some new stuff ready. There are links to both my etsy page and facebook page on the right so check them out.

April 13, 2010

A little overreaction never hurt anyone

Well my shirt didn't turn out as bad as I thought. I'm bad about getting an exact image in my head, and if it doesn't turn out that way I think I failed. But I actually really like it, he looks cute!

I have a hundred projects that I want to start but I am currently working on some little diaper pouches and covered travel wipes cases that I will post pictures of next.

March 16, 2010


Do you ever have one of those days (or weeks) where everything you try to make comes out wrong? That's where I'm at. I have all of these ideas and projects lined up and when I get a minute to try to put something together I tend to rush and not plan out all of the not so fun stuff and then I'm not happy with my finished result. Take the drum shirt.
I like the applique but the fabric I picked is too big of a print. I don't like those dots at all. And I wish the drum set itself was bigger but that's the 5x7 hoop for ya. I think I would like this design better on a burp/bib set. Next take the abosolutely most adorable swimsuit I have ever seen that I got for my best friend's B.
I like the design of the embroidery fine but it puckers.
I used stabilizer, but apparently not the right one. And today. I decided to finally put together all of the acrylic blanks and kiwi paper I ordered a couple of months ago.
Definately didn't think this one all the way through.
The name on the cup is WAY too big. I like the name on the snack cup fine. I did one more for the soap dispenser and I had to shrink my font down too small and it stitched out awful and started to tear up. This wouldn't be such a problem except I didn't know that each sheet of kiwi paper makes about 1 project. And just so you are aware if you haven't made one of the snack holder thingys before, kiwi paper is the size of regular paper and the longest length accross is not long enough for the snack container, so you have to stick in another little piece to make up the difference. And kiwi paper is sort of hard to find. And the websites that I have found that carry it are out of all of the really cute designs. So you have to add $1.85 or so to each project plus the shipping, plus no guarantee you will find the design you need. So I'm not so sure if this makes such an easy to sew for sale craft like I thought. The idea that I might not be able to find what I need gives me some anxiety. Do any of you ever sew with kiwi paper? What are some tips?

March 2, 2010

Howdy Ya'll!

I am happy to say that I found a new craft that I wasn't scared of, and I tried it! I read the tutorial for freezer paper stenciling at MADE (see sidebar) and it seemed easy and exciting. My first idea for a shirt was a little more elaborate so I chose a simpler idea and I think it turned out so cute and funny. I have wanted to try screen printing for a while, but it has so many steps and parts that could go wrong and I'm just a weenie. But freezer paper stenciling is practically fool-proof, so I'm golden!
This was the only way I could get a front picture of Sully wearing the shirt!

So if you have any desire to freezer paper stencil something (or a lot of things) you should go over to the MADE blog and look at her tutorial. Plus I totally fell in love with her blog because she dedicated the whole month of February to boy only crafts (swoon).

February 22, 2010

You Say It's Your Birthday

My main focus of embroidery up until now has been birthday outfits. I think I have a fascination with them because I always wanted something really cute and special for my boys to wear on their birthdays and it seemed hard to find something that wasn't super expensive. So when I first got my machine, I started making birthday overalls
I made a lot of these on ebay for boys and girls. Very cute, but it got to be a pain trying to find overalls in the right sizes and the thick denim and pockets were very hard on my machine. Then I moved on to the birthday dress (more on that later). Then I made this for a friend and I thought it was such a cute design for a first birthday that maybe didn't have much of a theme or a sweet little family party.
My inspiration came first from a shirt I saw that was a birthday monkey that was just a monkey face with a party hat. Then I had an extra pair of bear slippers from Christmas (weird, I know) and so I thought that idea could be easily changed to the birthday bear. I got the bear face design from http://www.pegasus-embroidery.com and then I just used some simple shapes I already had (I believe from embroidery mall) to create the party hat. I left the onesie un-birthdayed so it could be worn after the party as a shirt.

February 19, 2010

Fishin' Around

So I made this little Koi fish onesie a while back (hence the baby in the picture who is now a running, climbing, drawing on the wall toddler). I really like the Koi design because it's something interesting especially for a baby. I got it at Sewing for Sarah http://www.sewingforsarahembroidery.com/jumbokoiappliques.htm. I love in her pictures how the capris have it on the leg. And wouldn't it be super cute on a swimsuit cover up? If there were just more hours in the day, the fun I would have!


February 18, 2010

Chicky, Chicky, boom-boom!

I finished this sweet little onesie for my best friend's B (that's what my 2 year old calls a baby). I used the Baby Chick design from http://planetapplique.com/. It was my first design from her site and it stitched out great. I had to top it's giant bald head off with a little bow. I plan on getting the coordinating pants and putting her name on the booty. I think it's a good start for springy stuff!
I also made these today for some of our friends who are having a baby. They have kind of an edgy style so I wanted to do something a little different for them. The heart and crossbone applique also came from planet applique.

If at first you don't succeed.....

So I tried to make a sewing blog to show some of my stuff 2 YEARS AGO and I never liked the way it looked so it was left to stagnate. But now I am back and ready to try again! Instead of a blog to try and sell my things I would rather it be a place where I can share things I make with other crafty peeps and share where I get my designs, fabrics, blanks and whatnot. So here we go!